Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cats keep me company

Greye (near) and Boots
Dealing with Greye while sitting outside during an early mid-August morning
"Make up
your mind!" I tell
the cat, poised at the door.
"I'm not retired just to serve you,
old man!"
"Stop it!"
No sooner out
than the cat meows to
go back inside. "I'm not moving--
not yet!"
Three senryu
playful longhair jumps
at the hem of teen's skivvies
while he's still in them
pesky cat
pawing around
in my purse pocket
I open new cheese
for the last two crackers~
cat arching his back
A cat poem by the late Hazel Gaither, Arkadelphia:
"To A Cat"
You never even lift a claw
Or catch a pantry mouse,
Yet you enjoy a pampered life
And dominate this house.
I marvel that you sway us so,
And question: "What's he got?"
You answer with your mystic eyes:
"Charisma, dear, that's what!"
c 2012 by Pat Laster dba lovepat press

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