Thursday, July 7, 2016

Back to the 90s - found poems from past Julys

Though this photo is from sis Carolyn's garden, the hydrangea plant in my yard dates back to the 60s. Google Images doesn't have anything I want to republish here, so the hydrangea photo has to suffice.
1996 - Associated Press article
month of rains
a boat to the flooded house
to resuc his cat
1997 - news of Belarus
Independence Day
changed from July 27
to July 3
1997 - news
Palestine youngsters--
nothing to do but taunt
Israeli soldiers? 
1997 - news photo
children playing
on the anti-aircraft gun
in Cambodia
1997 - news photo
pickup truck with chain
dislodging tractor trailer
from the anwning 
1997 - news photo
two weeks of rain
leaning over the sandbags
checking the Ober
1999 - news photo
John-John's funeral
amid the white-clad sailors
the family in black
1999 - Paper Trails, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
whipping the young tree
with a rolled-up newspaper
gets the sap flowing
1999- Ann Landers
the disadvantage
of too many advantages
crippling the children
c by Pat Laster dba lovepat press


  1. Thanks for sharing these. Inspiring me to join the fun.

  2. Some things haven't changed--except for the cast and perhaps change of place. Loved the hydrangeas this year. They were glorious.
