Friday, October 19, 2012

October's beauty

morning sun
on the reddening dogwood
shining with dew

torrential rains
washing away months of drought
my leaf-clogged drain

running back uphill
the leaves I just swept

wind chimes moving
but mute
finally, the rain

two-dozen sips
by the robin ... even with
honeybees around

in the silence
between passing cars, a bird
sings from a dead branch

a dragonfly
on my chair ... beyond,
a dogfight

on the highwire
with its bushy tail

a black cat
toddles through my pole fence
to the place with dogs

c 2012 by Pat Laster dba lovepat press


  1. Enjoyed your poems! All are good.

  2. Thank you very kindly. I got home safely and cleaned up; put my clothes immediately in the washer. Must get on my back and rest awhile. What a good day we had today!!! Yay! Your hair is beautiful! loveP
