Saturday, June 25, 2016

It's hot, but not too hot for short poems

Pool party, July 4, 2015
The quintain on 'stars' that garnered an HM in the June PRA monthly:

star-speckled evening
his tears fall as he buries
his pet kitten, Cal,
hit and killed crossing the road
while we were at campmeeting

The following was published in the Fall 2016 issue of Lucidity Poetry Journal~Online:

a Dorsimbra

I've had no luck at growing Shasta whites
despite my dedicated TLC.
Though my friend Jenny's reach to soaring heights,
what Jenny's have that mine don't, I can't see.

             Come on, now, I say
             You were Grandma's favorite.
             Why won't you bloom
             for me?

I visit Jenny, notice daisies' home.
The blooms face east with nothing in their way.
Aha! Mine lack the sun! No wonder that
I've had no luck at growing Shasta whites.

photo by C. Hoggard

Friday, June 10, 2016

Flowers of summer: poems

begonias and moss rose
alongside blooming grasses
in the roadside bed

eve of summer~~
I plant marigolds
where the pansies died

bereavement lily~
its orange fallout
blessing me

daytime: inside
an Easter lily's throat
a firefly

a yellow tulip
the fallout of its soot
already sprinkled
     ~~from Saul Bellow

pawing at the bumblebee
on the abelia

while honeysuckle
blooms, you won't see
hummingbirds: my son
sawmill machinery
blackeyed Susans

Friday, June 3, 2016

Right now, it's raining (Friday, 6:30 pm)

This photo is NOT of my area, but it was someone's at one time
siren still sounding
rain still falling --I'm
still outside writing
[6:21 pm Friday/ today]
rain can't keep the Sunset
down . . . busing Amtrakers
between stations
[from the news, 1997]
turning on the trail:
recycle truck won't take wet papers
and it's thundering
[2001, Arkadelphia]
lilies in front
of the yarrow bloom white--
a sign of surrender from all
the rain?
Rain drops
in the birdbath!
I rush out with car keys
to put up the windows. Then the
drops stop.