Monday, November 23, 2015

Thanksgiving poems by Pat

Photo by Carolyn Hoggard

(a Dorsimbra)

The hardwoods, during autumn's rain and frost
and wind, surrender, drop their leaves on earth
to blanket, nourish, turn--the greenness lost.
Those leaves blow free until they find a berth.

Knowing winter lurks,
voles and mice scurry to find shelter.
Geese gather, their
pilgrimage imminent.

While breezes vagabond through valleys, hills,
all humankind--inside, nest-warm--prepares
to feast, give thanks, and watch for changes in
the hardwoods during autumn's rain and frost.

( a Minute pattern)
With family together now,
we stand and bow.
No silver clanks
before our thanks:
Be present at our table, Lord.
Be here . . . adored . . .
Oh, grant that we
may feast . . . with Thee.
The Amen pulls forth harmony--
eight parts, on key--
the sound so neat!
Now, we can eat.


  1. Loved joining your family singing the blessing one Independence (or Memorial) Day.

  2. Such a beautiful page tonight! I just love the Thanksgiving poem and have read it three times already. Inspiring! And no, I was not the back in the picture but the woman in tourquoise. Hope you coming holiday is just great!

  3. Loved your prayer. Thanks-giving for you.

  4. Loved your prayer. Thanks-giving for you.

  5. Love your post. Nice poems and pictures. "No silver clanks before our thanks" is priceless. Would love to hear the family harmonize.
