Thursday, June 12, 2014

A slab of poems for Father's Day

same day my dad died
Joe DiMaggio's home
put up for sale

first Father's Day
without him

son mimics dad
on exercise equipment
this special day

both take a lot of trying
and luck of the Irish
[Dion O'Donnol]

Father's Day morning--
memory of him sizzling
bacon for breakfast
[Jerry Judge, from TIMEPIECES, 1996]

twice start daily walk
but cannot go on
[Dion O'Donnol]


A father like a tree is measured; strong
As oak is strong, and tall in youngster eyes
As redwood grows . . . and he must have a song
When frightening winds chase clouds across the skies . . .
The song the pine has sung for countless years.
His heart must be as tough as hickory,
Yet soft as newborn willow when the tears
Of hurt come tumbling down pink cheeks; and he
Must shut all evils out like brave old hedge
With stinging needles. Proud, the father stands
Sequoia-like against the treacherous edge
Of doom lest fate should mark a hopeful's plans.
     In storm, or through the pleasant, sunny days,
     A father's like a tree in sundry ways.
[Ercil F. Brown, HEAR MY SONG]


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