Thursday, May 1, 2014

At the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum

PL, Ozarks in the fall
Hasten, hasten all
writers –you who’re interested
in ‘one true sentence.’
Come to the old barn
where E. H. once wrote
parts of A Farewell . . . .
Surrounded by ghosts,
his typewriter, leopard-skin
rugs, whispers of lust,
we focus efforts
hoping to channel Papa:
whittle words to nubs,
to gist and gut--tight.
Here, imaginations flit,
soar, break boundaries
found at home, office.
As if drunk, we do battle,
fill page upon page,
exult in fatigue.
A Story. Begun. Finished.
Let’s drink to Papa! Hear, hear!
[PL, critiqued, Lucidity workshop, 4.23.'14, with no suggestions for improvement. Thanks to PRA state critic, Todd Sukany, for encouraging me to work on the original, published in an earlier H-P anthology. The result was this poem.]