Saturday, November 24, 2012

An extraordinary Thanksgiving weekend

by Pat Laster

         A traditional gathering of family--three generations--boasted several once-in-a-lifetime happenings: a sibling turned 70; another sibling and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary; a third sibling from Virginia flew in for the occasions; a newly-married, second-generation couple were added to our midst, and a family flew in from Portland, which included the third generation, aged (nearly) two.
          The daughter-in-law of the nearly 70-year-old colluded with the hostess--another sibling--to plan and carry out a surprise birthday party. It worked beautifully.
          Plus, the Thanksgiving table was side-to-side, end-to-end dishes of food--for the meat-eaters AND the vegetarians.
          That night, before retiring, I read two issues of a haiku publication and whenever a thought or image or idea came, I wrote my own. Some of them follow.

morning sun
outline of a maple leaf
on my windshield

the Enterprise clerk
rubs something across
the twenty-dollar bills

the only one
of our group who likes
flavored coffee

we sing the blessing
and record it for the one
who is missing
   later, he reports
   that it brought him to tears

slow-cooker compote
forgotten during dinner--
an autumn shower

Thanksgiving evening
while the dishwasher runs
she solves Sudoku

one side of the room
I read and write haiku
sister tries to sleep

even asleep
a tune running
through my head

c 2012 by Pat Laster, Benton AR USA


  1. You've captured the beauty of the holiday in your poetry. I especially like the tanka. So poignant.
