Wednesday, April 27, 2011

After the storms, how do we pray?

It is quiet now except for local traffic, which never stopped even during the several nights of thunderstorms. Though more storms were predicted for today (Wednesday), before noon the clouds rolled away from the sun, like the stones rolled away from the tomb at Easter. The sun was a welcome, welcome sight.
At 2:30 a.m. last night, the ringing phone woke me. Probably some drunk from the VFW calling a wrong number, I thought, but padded in to answer it. After three rings, it stopped, but as I turned to head back to bed, it rang again. Collegian-grandson/ward answered, his voice sounding like sandpaper. "Grandma... the power's off here (Henderson State University, Arkadelphia AR) and I can't sleep without a fan; it's too hot. Can I come home and at least get six hours of sleep?"
I said yes.
"I won't wake you when I come in," he said.
After hanging up, I turned on the porch light, unlocked the screen but kept the door locked, turned on the fans in his room, left a hall light on, closed my door, and prayed, "Lord, he's yours now," a prayer I lift each time he drives away from anywhere. Of course, I believe Billy is God's wherever he is, but especially on the highway.
This morning, sure enough, he was piled up in his bed, the AC and two fans going. Not too much later, he came to the door--I was reading the paper on the front porch swing--and said morning classes had been canceled and he was going back to sleep.
At noon, after bell rehearsal and while I was at the dollar store, he called saying even though afternoon classes had been canceled also, he had a choir rehearsal at 2 for the final concert of the year on May 2.
He must have passed the store while I was inside. I prayed once more, "Lord, he's yours again. Have mercy."
But what does one pray when entire towns are wiped out by tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes?
Have mercy, O Lord, have mercy.

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