Thursday, March 31, 2011

Like dieting and exercising, three days is max

I do believe I am better, expletive-wise. And thanks to those two friends (you know who you are) who have read the two previous blogs, commiserated/ expressed shock, tsked-tsked, etc.
Like dieting and exercising, three days is max for me for any kind of new discipline. Although I did get to March 26 in my daily Lenten readings before I moved to another reading spot. That's seventeen days of following a new regimen--probably a record.
Speaking of regimens, it may be a matter of choice. For every day since I can remember--except when I'm out of town/ state or have an early-morning meeting, I read the daily paper, a notebook at my fingertips to jot down interesting tidbits.
Each day,twice a day, I feed the feral cats that have adopted this place.
Perhaps it's a matter of priority. Sure! That's what it is! Now, to make the extinction of "bad words" a high priority.I'll work on it.
But in the meantime, I've run out of quarters.

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