Friday, July 23, 2010

For the second time, my book manuscript is at the publishers

When I sent it the first time (June 24), it was to take 2-3 weeks for a professional evaluator to read it, make her (I'll use the feminine, but I don't know which gender the evaluator was) marks, then fill out a form (2007 form). The form was in several sections and there were several questions under each heading. Two columns were YES and NEEDS WORK.
Out of 68 questions, she scored my mss with 46 YES and 22 NEEDS WORK, a fact I took great initial pride in. Is this the way skaters and gymnasts feel when they see their scores on the board?
BASICS:She felt that the word "romance" should be added to "adult" and "general" fiction. I wasn't surprised.
TITLE: She said "A Journey of Choice" could apply to a wide variety of fiction or nonfiction. Instead of changing the title, I added allusions to "journey" in at least three other places. I've lived with that title so long that no other choices seem right.
MARKETING TEXT: Lots of suggestions in the business of selling the book. I improved it as much as I could. I've heard/ read that the writing is the art and the publishing is the business, so I wasn't too surprised.
OPENING: all "Yes."
BASIC PREMISE AND TONE: Two-thirds "Yes." The words, "believable," "unique," and "appealing execution" garnered, "Needs Work."
STRUCTURE, PLOT AND PACE: Seven out of 10 "Yes."
SETTING: All "Yes."
CHARACTERIZATION: Six out of 10 "Yes."
DIALOGUE: All (8) "Yes."
BASIC PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR: Three out of 4 "Needs Work." And Dot and I worked all weekend on that area. It should be clean.
Today, I resubmitted it under the heading UPDATED MANUSCRIPT. In 3-10 weeks, I'll have a product--a book. I must keep breathing until then.

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