(NOTE: Since I can't figure out how to get single spacing, for the following poems, a forward slash means a line break. (Now how did this get to be single spaced???)
A few/ very large flakes /keeping the weather folks / honest about their prediction/of snow.
Snowing/ harder, but still/ large flakes, yet birds keep on/ eating. I, too, am eating, but/ inside.
CINQUAIN (1. 10. '25
Nearly/ a foot of snow/ meant daughter couldn't get/ her car turned around in the yard./ No work!
HAIKU (1. 14. '25)
snow slowly melting / even a squirrel / under the feeder
CINQUAIN (1. 14. '25)
Hearing / a plane, I look / skyward. No plane up there / but I see a star!--a rare treat / here 'bouts.
CINQUAIN (1.16. '25) AT AGE 88
For the / first time ever / I got to ride in the / cab of a wrecker towing my / dead Ford.
c 2025 PL dba lovepat press, Benton AR USA