Just a few more weeks till ....... PL
From Connecting Our Houses, 1997
70 degrees
spring fever
in January
Published in Haiku Headlines, January, 2006
basking in the sun
shedding one pair of socks...
and then another
From Lighting a Candle, Winter, 2008
rain predicted
this mid January--
El Nino-warm. How warm? Sparrow
From January Gimcracks, 2003
in and out of the pear tree
warm winter morning
a gabby blackbird
disturbing my chaise-lounge nap
warm January
From New Year's Project, 2006
church employee
taking her rest
on Mondays
warm January sunshine
perfect for a chaise-lounge nap
From Listen...the snow, 2005
warm January
playing badminton
over the swing set
[written, 1998]
a mild January
three flecks of white
on the spirea
[written 2000, published in Haiku Headlines, 2004]
mid-winter mildness~
first, the snowmen bric-a-brac
now, Valentines
[written, 2004]
c 2015, Pat Laster dba lovepat press
basking in the sun
shedding one pair of socks...
and then another
From Lighting a Candle, Winter, 2008
rain predicted
this mid January--
El Nino-warm. How warm? Sparrow
From January Gimcracks, 2003
in and out of the pear tree
warm winter morning
a gabby blackbird
disturbing my chaise-lounge nap
warm January
From New Year's Project, 2006
church employee
taking her rest
on Mondays
warm January sunshine
perfect for a chaise-lounge nap
From Listen...the snow, 2005
warm January
playing badminton
over the swing set
[written, 1998]
a mild January
three flecks of white
on the spirea
[written 2000, published in Haiku Headlines, 2004]
mid-winter mildness~
first, the snowmen bric-a-brac
now, Valentines
[written, 2004]
c 2015, Pat Laster dba lovepat press