Monday, March 3, 2025

March slipped in like a lamb: poems

a second night of rain
and thunderstorms, picking as many
fragrant flowers as I
can handle.        (2023)

A quartet
of butterflies flitting
from one red quince bloom to another
this early March morning.
What a sight!     (2023)

to see an entire lake
migrate two miles due to the strong winds
on the second of March.
NO BOATING       (NYT news, 2024)

The old
space heater, moved,
realigned to gas source,
long unused pilot light relit.
Voila!            (Cinquain, 3.2.2025)

c 2025, PL dba lovepat press, Benton AR USA

Sunday, February 9, 2025

16th anniversary of blogging: poems


Here are February poems, one from '13, but most from '23, and even one from today!

* cardinal / fluffing his feathers / for insulation ['13]

* neighbor's  board fence / topped with a white layer / of freezing precip ['23]

* holly tree / drooping deeply / -- its ice burden 

* yucca's green / barely showing / with its ice cover 

* new jigsaw puzzle / pawing through the pieces / hunting for borders ['24]

* The "Let / it Snow" napkins / at my computer, need / replacing with "Hurry up, Spring / HURRY!

c 2025, PL dba lovepat press, Benton AR USA

Monday, January 20, 2025

True Winter Weather: poems

(NOTE: Since I can't figure out how to get single spacing, for the following poems, a forward slash means a line break. (Now how did this get to be single spaced???)


A few/ very large flakes /keeping the weather folks honest about their prediction/of snow.

Snowing/ harder, but still/ large flakes, yet birds keep on/ eating. I, too, am eating, but/ inside.

CINQUAIN (1. 10. '25

Nearly/ a foot of snow/ meant daughter couldn't get/ her car turned around in the yard./ No work!

HAIKU (1. 14. '25)

snow slowly melting / even a squirrel / under the feeder

CINQUAIN (1. 14. '25)

Hearing / a plane, I look / skyward. No plane up there / but I see a star!--a rare treat / here 'bouts. 

CINQUAIN (1.16. '25) AT AGE 88

For the / first time ever / I got to ride in the / cab of a wrecker towing my / dead Ford.

c 2025 PL dba lovepat press, Benton AR USA

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Welcome, I think, to 2025


Here are some poems from two collections of one copy each. Lighting a Candle and Sweetness of the apple.

 --- 23 degrees/ first day of the year, I read/ Season's spring haiku (Carolyn Thomas)

--- 18 degrees/ hoping the feral cats/ find a warm place

--- the eternal hum/ of the fan used to block/ teenager's TV (Season's line)

--- picking up/ morning, afternoon papers/ at the same time

--- during the morning/ birdbath water/ turning to ice

c 2025 PL dba lovepat press, Benton AR USA

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Hooray for our country! May it ever remain a democratic republic! Poems

Between/bursts of fireworks, /distant thunder rumbles. / At dusk--no matter what--night bugs/still sing. //

Our house/ surrounded by/ the loud sounds of fireworks. / I sit and read, the cat's hiding/ somewhere. //

Fireworks/ fading at ten-/ thirty. It's about time! / Surely these daddies have to go/ to work.

Only/ the animals/ hide from the booms & blats/ of fireworks. Feline Greye's under/ the couch. //

Untouched/ by either sound, / smell, colors, oohs-and aahs/ of fireworks' displays, the sky still / surrounds. //

c 2024, PL, dba lovepat press, Benton AR USA

Saturday, May 25, 2024




windows blown out

but a glass lamp collection 

still on its shelf ('08)

~ ~  ~ 

cedar waxwing

feasting from a limb

of holly berries ('12)

~ ~ ~ ~

close to the wall

carrying their children

through rising waters ('99)

~ ~ ~ ~


adding to early morning

birdsong ('09)

~ ~ ~ ~

tornado takes all


two of three kittens ('97)

~ ~ ~ ~

Memorial Day weekend

Sunday's paper comes

on Saturday night ('22)

c 2024, PL dba lovepat press, Benton AR USA

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Mid-March poems



in violets

~ ~ ~ ~


at the feeder

chased off by a jay

~ ~ ~ ~

constant music:


during March

~ ~ ~ ~

red petunias

in the daffodil bed

wintered over

~ ~ ~ ~

on the Ides of March

a day-long rain

washing away winter

~ ~ ~ ~

with the bulldozer

next door, it's hard to hear

the mockingbirds, jays 

~ ~ ~ ~

yard black with birds

leaving bird by bird

(some not yet ready)

~ ~ ~ ~