It’s Advent—twenty-fourteen now--
too many years since last I wrote.
I fill my time with hand bells, choir
--requiring diligence--and bills
and cats and house and med refills.
I fill my time with hand bells, choir.
Too many years since last I wrote,
it’s Advent—twenty-fourteen now.
too many years since last I wrote.
I fill my time with hand bells, choir
--requiring diligence--and bills
and cats and house and med refills.
I fill my time with hand bells, choir.
Too many years since last I wrote,
it’s Advent—twenty-fourteen now.
I used to write an Advent verse
each year, till life got in the way--
especially after I retired.
I penned one novel, then one more.
Activities came to the fore,
especially after I retired.
Each year, till life got in the way,
I used to write an Advent verse.
I hereby vow to take more time
to celebrate the Advent Child,
to live expectantly each day
as if the second-coming’s near;
make ready, leave no room for fear.
To live expectantly each day,
to celebrate the Advent Child,
I hereby vow to take more time.

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