Thursday, February 23, 2012

Seventy degrees by dusk in central Arkansas

For the first time in several weeks, I took the old notebook, pen and newspaper outside to the porch swing. It was 50 degrees at 8 am.

sunny winter day
titmouse on the gutter sings
and doves call
a lone goose flies
into the sun's round brightness
this first day of Lent
broken branch dangles
and sways on the old oak tree
I hear spring peepers

on the high wire
tries to out-sing the noise
of passing cars this warm winter

The wind kicked up as predicted, so I betook myself and my materials back inside to the dining table where I not only read/write, buy occasionally eat.
Later on toward dusk, I took the puzzles and once again sat in the swing.

warm winter dusk
the sounds of children outside
spawning memories
as dusk falls
my eyes and the newsprint
words fail to connect

c 2012 by Pat Laster dba lovepat press

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Finally, a snow--of sorts

We in the heartland were thinking the snow gods were snubbing us, what with La Nina playing around again. Here it was mid-February and no snow during the new year's winter.
When the elements DID align so that the forecasters could finally predict snow, the weather people went at it with a vengeance. All sorts of winter chaos was predicted; some schools and even Henderson State University announced closings on Sunday night-- just in case.
Surely the snow gods were laughing boisterously when they spilled out a few soft, wet flakes on us poor packages of personhood. "Don't they know when they are well off?" one of the older gods surely said.
"But I remember when I was a kid god and frolicked in the snow. Let's give the troublesome tykes a little hope so they'll be assuaged and disappointed at the same time." (Talk about a troublesome tyke!)
Anyway, here are some snow poems written this week.

the little birds
forage on the ground, not
worried that cats are probably

A black cat spots
the birds and slithers toward
them. I bang the window."Birds, hie

and no cat food
for the five visitors
who've gathered--they think--for breakfast.

You have S.A.D.?
Go outside: the winter whites
will chase winter blues
(from Hi & Lois comic, Brian & Greg Walker)
c 2012 by Pat Laster dba lovepat press

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Sonnet to my Valentines

by Pat Laster

T o celebrate this holiday, I’ll try
O utlining, crafting English sonnet form.

M y further, harder task will be to tie
Y et other undertakings to it: warm

V ernacular, like choc-o-late, plus rhyme
A nd meter (dull iambic, some folks think).
L a-bor-ious it may be, this winter. But,
E ach word must serve to build and fill a chink.
N eglectful, some folks overlook a “turn”
T he sonnet needs. For now, I’ll turn to snow,
I de-al during February. Spurn
N ot cold; delight in its short visit! Oh,
E lusive muse, Erato–– Valentine,
S tay with us, love us––snow or not. Be mine!

c 2012 by Pat Laster dba lovepat press

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day 2012

If the little rodent had peeked out at Couchwood/Benton/Arkansas/USA, it would definitely have seen its shadow. Some of the things I saw or read are included in today's post.

from the lowest branch
a squirrel watches the cat
on top of my car
at least, it's not
the other way around

"Listen Up!"
be careful that
you give that ditzy wife
of yours the exact birthday gift
she wants.

"Boots!" she
said. "Not a book!"
She threw the birthday cake
and book at him, then choked the poor
(from "In the news," Arkansas Democrat Gazette)

spring cleaning
on the warm winter day
early daffodils

six weeks
into winter, yet
the yellowbell blooms

first scene this morning:
three fat-chested robins
rimming the birdbath
full of fresh rainwater
drinking ... drinking ... aah ... aah

"my cholesterol
is not where the doctor wants ..."
she eats an omelet

c 2012 by Pat Laster dba lovepat press