Anonymous (unidentified) subject- I - photo by PL
(perhaps snow on the barberry?)
My poetry blog needs new look
So I reach for an old hardback book
That looks like it might
Have something just right.
Oh, yes! An anonymous hook!
--PL, 1/18/'17
The Life and Works of MR. ANONYMOUS by Willard R. Espy, was published in 1977, so long ago that Amazon has no record of it. And I've had it so long that there's no annotation about when/ where/cost, etc. It does have a dust jacket.
After thumbing through it, I chose the LIMERICKS section of PART II: "Selected Works of the Anonymous Clan" Here are a few to get us through the upcoming weekend. Perhaps by Sunday you will have created one of your own.
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical.
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
There once was a sculptor named Phidias
Whose manners in art were invidious:
He carved Aphrodite
Without any nightie,
Which startled the ultrafastidious.
There's a wonderful family, called Stein,
There's Gert and there's Epp and there's Ein;
Gert's poems are bunk,
Epp's statues are junk,
And no one can understand Ein.
There was an old lady of Ryde
Who ate some green apples, and died.
The apples (fermented
Inside the lamented)
Made cider inside 'er inside.
A friendly challenge: write one during the remainder of this week. PL
Anonymous subject II (looks like winter)-PL